Killer Fever - Dengue

Dengue Homorrhagic Fever (DHF) or commonly known as dengue, is an acute febrile disease which are rampant in tropical region. This kind of fever is a life threathening illness that kills 3 out of 10 victims. This year alone, a record of dengue epidemic has been hightened in some of the Philippine islands that cause few of its cities in red alert status.
Dengue fever are caused by four related viruses which are all came from Flavivirus family. Dengue fever is an extremely painful disease that is why it is also called the breakbone fever. Tropical countries which has high incidents of dengue are Philippines, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
Dengue outbreak usually occurs in urban areas and there is minimal cases recorded in rural places. Each virus strands is transmitted to humans by the Aedes Aegypti or more commonly known as Aedes Albopictus mosquito. These mosquito carriers only feeds in daytime and mostly low flying types of mosquitos.
World Health Organization says that over 2.5 billion people are at risk of this infectious disease and over 50 million estimate number of cases each year. The disease is now considered endemic in over 100 countries.
The first symptom of dengue is the manifestation of sudden fever together with severe headache, muscle-joint pains and rashes. However, rashes can occur after a few days of fever and when it does, it usually found on the lower limbs and chest. Other symptoms includes abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea and other viral infection symptoms.
Dengue fever will make your platelet count drop until the temperature is back to normal. Other cases of this type of fever include bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth and ear into the gut. Some pours out blood from skin pores.
Below are some of the guidelines on how to prevent dengue in your local places.
- Take out all mosquito breeding places. Places like flower base, garage and all possible stagnant water storage.
- Apply anti-mosquito lotion on exposed skin.
- Wear light colored clothes. Mosquitos are allergic to light colored clothes because there are much more visible on this types of colors.
- Clean your surroundings and backyard. Cleanliness is the first step towards disease prevention.
- Aedes mosquitos feed only in daylight. Avoid mosquito contact at daylight as much as possible.
How to treat dengue fever? If you were diagnosed with these symptoms, rush to the nearest hospital for immediate medical treatment. Dengue post circulatory shock which are cost by internal bleeding. Vital signs must be monitored at all times. Increased oral fluid intake is a must to prevent dehydration. A platelet transfusion may be necessary if the platelet levels drops significantly. Other cases needed red blood cell transfusion because of gastrointestinal bleeding.
If dengue is first suspected as a fever, a regular paracetamol treatment is just normal to lower the temperature down. If the fever lasts 3 days and other symptoms occur, rush the patient to the nearest hospital.
Dengue is a serious disease and should be treated immediately and properly. We must take actions to our surroundings and find those possible breeding places of mosquitos. It really helps in containing dengue carrier mosquitos from multiplying. Make sure to follow these tips on how to avoid dengue disease as much as possible.

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